2024-25 SPEAKER PROGRAM ANNOUNCED!WELCOME! The mission of the Scottsdale Civil War Roundtable is to inform the public about the American Civil War, contribute to battlefield preservation and assist in the retention in the American memory of one of the most crucial events in our history. With 300 members from throughout the Valley we are one of the largest Roundtables in the United States. The Roundtable presents nationally known speakers each month from September through May at the Scottsdale Civic Center Library Auditorium and we thank the City of Scottsdale and the Library for their support. Our monthly events start at 5 PM with an opportunity to meet the speaker, converse with other members, browse our book sale, and watch a video in the auditorium. Our formal speaker programs begin at 6 PM. The Library Auditorium is located at 3839 N Drinkwater Blvd and there is ample and free parking. All are welcome to attend our events, you do not need to be a member. For those who cannot attend in person, the meetings can also be watched on our YouTube Channel. To learn more: Find Us On Facebook and Instagram: Scottsdale Civil War Roundtable YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfxW2cvzCbGoKebHKPZsq5A Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/scottsdalecwrt The Roundtable receives no funding from outside sources. All of our expenses, including battlefield preservation donations, are paid by members’ dues and donations. We thank our members for your very generous support. |
2024-25 ScheduleSept. 17 - Robert Jenkins, "The Cassville Affairs and the Failed Confederate Strategy in the Atlanta Campaign"
Oct. 15 - Thomas Cutrer, "This Sink of Shame: The Red River Campaign, 1864" Nov. 12 - Kristen Pawlak Trout, "Missouri's Civil War" Dec. 10 - George Rable, "Conflict of Command: George McClellan, Abraham Lincoln, and the Politics of War" Jan. 21 - Donald Frazier, "Confederates v. Germans in the Texas Hill Country" Feb. 18 - Alex Rossino, "Calamity at Frederick: Robert E Lee and Special Orders No. 191" March 19* - Chris Mackowski, "Civil War Monuments and Memory" * Note: This meeting is on Wednesday not Tuesday. April 15 - Zach Foster - "The Confederate Territory of Arizona" May 20 - Terry Pierce, "Thundering Courage: Union Boy Generals in the Gettysburg Campaign" The Grapeshot
Civil War Books & Authors Blog |
Membership ApplicationJoin us to help with battlefield preservation and attract the best Civil War experts from around the country as key-note speakers at our meetings!
Or go to the Membership Tab above to join us and pay online! |